Protokolektiv works as an interdisciplinary network of experienced professionals on multiple scales and through different media. We question current socioecological status-quos by making the underlying (historical) conditions visible.

To this aim, we pair together architecture, curation, and research with management, consultancy, and dissemination. Based in Ljubljana and with outposts in Munich, Aarhus, and Skopje, we act as a pan-European network of professionals from practice, academia, and culture.

We are interested in crosscutting topics in a broader sense. We focus on archives and knowledge infrastructures, digital and analog spaces, architectural heritage, craftsmanship and design, migrations, and diasporic ties.

︎Works on the intersection of creativity and project management
︎Produces exhibitions, publications, and design concepts
︎Curates data
︎Designs spaces
︎Develops communication strategies
︎Works interdisciplinary

Notable collaborators include the Museum of Architecture and Design MAO Ljubljana, Architekturmuseum der TUM Munich, ETH Zürich, Strelka Institute Moscow, Goldsmiths, University of London on projects ranging from facilitation: Future Architecture platform; curatorial: Living With Water - Southern Fringe of Ljubljana; publishing: Skopje Walkie Talkie, Future Architecture book,  Skopje Creative Hub 2014; research: Performing the Archive: Skopje; teaching: Architecture of Data TUM, Debalkanize!; communication: Biennial of Design BIO Ljubljana, Slovenian Pavilion at La Biennale di Venezia; building: Nautilus Konstrukt; and initiatives: Kiosk K67 at gta Exhibitions.

More projects here.


Milan Dinevski is an architect, curator, and cultural producer based in Ljubljana. He was the Future Architecture Platform manager from 2018 to 2021 and the executive curator of Future Architecture Rooms - an unconventional virtual environment. Recently, he was the Head of Production Platform for the 27th Biennial of Design in Ljubljana with the title BIO27 Super Vernaculars.

Damjan Kokalevski (Dr. sc. ETH) is an architect, curator, and researcher based in Munich. He is a postdoctoral associate at the Architekturmuseum der TUM, establishing the born-digital architecture archive. His recent thematic interest lies in the topic "infrastructures of data" seen through the lens of social justice, the democratization of knowledge, accessibility, and resources.

In 2014 Milan and Damjan co-founded City Creative Network CCN in Skopje, a citizen initiative and research center conceptualizing and implementing architecture on all scales.

Ana K. Brodersen is originally an award-winning dramaturg but has now, for many years, been a communications consultant and facilitator intersecting creativity and project management. She was head of communications for projects like the flagship pan-European architecture platform Future Architecture, two editions of the oldest biennial of design BIO Ljubljana (BIO25, BIO27), editions of Slovenian Pavilion at La Biennale Di Venezia, and more.


We are a constantly growing network on the lookout for collaborators from around the globe. We consider the creation of Protokolektiv a cultural project.

Find out more here.